Kuwait City The Cheapest Gulf City

09 June 2020 Kuwait

It ranked 10th in the Arab world and 113th in the world

Kuwait City ranked eighth in the Gulf and 113th globally in the list of the most expensive cities in the world, after it fell six places compared to 2019 (119 globally), while Hong Kong maintained the lead for the second year in a row, despite the continuous protests that the city witnessed, according to the cost of living survey that Mercer conducts it annually.

The survey tracks the cost of 200 items, including housing, transportation, food, clothing, household goods and entertainment in 209 cities around the world. The survey is being conducted to help companies understand the cost of living for expatriates to determine wages.

In second place came the capital of Turkmenistan, "Ashgabat", which suffers from hyperinflation and high costs of importing goods and raw materials, followed by the Japanese capital, Tokyo.

The survey found that "N'Djamena" in Chad is the most expensive city in Africa (in the fifteenth place in the world, ahead of the American city of San Francisco), and the Nigerian "Lagos" came in the 18th position globally, ahead of the British capital, London.

It is worth noting that the survey data was collected in March this year, but Mercer clarified that due to the timing of the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus, it conducted more analyzes about commodities in April and May to check prices.

Dubai came first in the Arab world and in the 23rd ranking in the world, and Riyadh in the 31st position, then Abu Dhabi (39), Beirut (45), Manama (52), Oman (71), Muscat (96), Jeddah (104), Doha ( 109), Kuwait City (113), Casablanca (121), Cairo (126), Rabat (159).

According to the survey, Tunisia is the lowest-cost city in the world, as it ranked 209 on the list, after Windhoek (208). (Mercer, numbers)


: 1529

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