Market Scarcity Raises Poultry Prices By 25 Percent

26 May 2022 Kuwait

The Cabinet's decision to organise a ministerial committee to improve the food security system, prevent price surges, handle crises, and plan for self-sufficiency in some commodities has only been 72 hours.

While there has been a noticeable shortage of live and frozen chicken on the market, there has been an increase in demand for more effective government measures to control the situation and work to provide sufficient quantities of this vital commodity while limiting price increases, according to a local Arabic daily.

Officials from cooperative societies and supermarkets attribute the increase to the ongoing effects of the Russian-Ukrainian war, pointing out that some poultry companies raised their prices in response to rising feed prices, and the impact is felt across multiple sectors, citing the high demand from citizens and residents for local and imported chicken, which resulted in a scarcity of certain types in markets and shops selling fresh chicken.

The demand for buying live and frozen chicken increased by 40% in some coops and supermarkets, according to officials, and the demand was not limited to local chickens, but also to Brazilians, who saw a significant decrease, especially given the fierce competition among countries to import Brazilian poultry, including Kuwait.

According to the Arabic newspaper that has been tracking the rise in the price of fresh local chicken, it costs between one and two dinars depending on the weight.

In comparison to other times such as March and April, there was a shortage of several varieties of local and imported chicken in cooperative societies and supermarkets. Consumers said that the price of a large chicken was sold for 1.300 dinars by some local enterprises, while the smaller one was sold for 1.200 dinars, while poultry and egg costs in some coops and wholesale markets had unexpectedly reached high rates.

There are 5 reasons for the price increase.

1 – The war in Ukraine's ramifications is still being felt.

2 - Feed prices have skyrocketed.

3 – Weak market control

4 – High demand for purchasing

5 – Import competition is fierce between countries.

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