Kuwaiti Kite Team Forsakes Guinness Record For National Pride

20 January 2016 Kuwait

This team owns the Guinness Record for world's biggest kite that is tailored after Kuwaiti Flag. Made by master kite maker Peter Lynn from New Zealand, this kite that measures 1,000 sq.mt and weighs 300-kgs requires at least 15-people to fly it. Interestingly, the team has gone one better with a still bigger kite that measures 2,400 sq.mt and one that weighs nearly 600-kgs.

If the initial Peter Lynn creation came out in 2005 and has been flown at seven international kite festival including three in the United Kingdom, namely Bristol, Portsmouth and Bedford, this latest flying giant - a ray kite - also created by Lynn in 2012 is the team's best guarded secret.

So much so that the team has only carried out three select test flights at France, Kuwait and Bristol to assure themselves that this behemoth can indeed take fair wind under it wings as fulfills all parameters for a kite of its size to fly.

While the record for the biggest kite with their Ray Kite is there for the taking, the only reason the team has not gone claiming the record for this kite is national pride. Kuwaitis see the Lynn created kite as their way of letting the world know that there is nation called Kuwait and one that stood up to the Iraqi aggressors led by Saddam Hussain, successfully and valiantly. They do not want their own creation to take away the record that stands in the name of this national pride.

Explaining the passion behind big inflatable kites that the Al-Farsi team has, Khaled Ameer says the team that comprises 30 members is passionate about big flying objects. "We saw the Kuwaiti national flag inflatable kite fluttering in the sky as our way of letting the world know where our country is," Khaled said.

"This is the reason we have not approached Guinness for a record for the Ray Kite and if someone betters the existing record, we will come right back," he adds.

The tag biggest also presents its fair share of problems for the team to display this flag kite at international kite festivals abroad. "We will require the hosts to arrange for logistics of transporting a kite of this size and dimension," he says adding the kite also requires huge tractors to hold it on the ground. Incidentally, Khaled with team mates Mohammad Ahmad and Fahad Al Mohammad are in the city to participate in the two-day Rotary International Kite Festival 2016.



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