Kuwait's Inflation Rate In 22 Was 3.15%

22 January 2023 Business

Consumer prices grew by 3.15 percent on an annual basis by the end of 2022, according to the Kuwait Central Statistical Bureau (KCSB). In its report published on Sunday, the bureau stated that inflation rose 0.17 percent in December, on a monthly basis, due to increases in prices of all major groups that affect the key indices, particularly food and education. According to the statistics, the price index of the first group (Food and beverages) increased by 7.48 percent from December 2021, while the price index of the second group (Cigarettes and tobacco) increased slightly by 0.22 percent.

According to the consumer price index (CPI), clothing prices rose 5.35 percent on a yearly basis, while housing prices rose 1.44 percent. Furnishing equipment households also experienced an increase in inflation of 1.69 percent. The KCSB reported that the health index rose 2.63 percent, while the rate of transportation rose 2.85 percent. A 1.0 percent increase in communication occurred, a 3.13 percent increase in culture and entertainment occurred, and a 0.40 percent increase in education occurred. Restaurants and hotels reported a 3.51 percent increase on a yearly basis in December, while services and miscellaneous goods reported a 4.75 percent increase.


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