Kuwaitis Granted Additional 5-year Multiple-entry Visas By The Egyptian Embassy

05 October 2023 Kuwait

According to Egyptian Ambassador to Kuwait, Osama Shaltout, the Egyptian Embassy in Kuwait is ready to facilitate Egyptian citizens' participation in the upcoming presidential elections scheduled for December 1, 2, and 3, 2023.

Furthermore, Ambassador Heba Zaki, Consul General of Egypt, announced a new five-year multiple-entry visa for Kuwaiti citizens. Kuwaitis visiting their second home should not stay more than 90 days, and a fee of up to 250 dinars will be charged, reports Al-Qabas.

Shaltout encouraged Egyptians living in Kuwait to exercise their constitutional right to vote in the upcoming elections during a press conference held at the embassy. Underscoring that their support for presidential candidates marks the first step towards actively shaping the nation's future, he commended their enthusiasm.

Egyptians in Kuwait, as well as around the world, participating in the December presidential elections, are sending a message to the world about the importance of Egyptian communities abroad in shaping the future of their nation.

Additionally, Ambassador Shaltout discussed the process for requesting media coverage at the electoral headquarters. Interested individuals must submit an application to the embassy, which will be forwarded to the Egyptian Foreign Ministry.

To obtain the necessary permits, the ministry will forward it to the National Elections Authority. According to Shaltout, there are approximately 467,000 Egyptians with work permits in Kuwait, including those joining family members.

According to him, the location of the electoral headquarters will be announced the following week, after ongoing coordination with Kuwaiti authorities and the National Elections Authority. There have been contracts signed with various Internet companies to review their efficiency in the electoral headquarters on election day, which will also have election observers.

According to Zaki, Kuwaitis were granted a five-year multiple-entry visa in accordance with the approval of the Minister of Interior for such visas in several countries, including Kuwait.

It is part of an effort to streamline and expedite procedures for Kuwaiti citizens entering Egypt. The actions are the result of mutual coordination and cooperation between Egypt and Kuwait, demonstrating Egypt's warm welcome to Kuwaiti visitors at any time.


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