Data Can Never Be Hacked By Mew

16 September 2023 Kuwait

An announcement was made by the Assistant Undersecretary for Customer Service Affairs at the Ministry of Electricity, Water and Renewable Energy. Falah Al-Mutairi affirmed that information security in the customer service sector is very strong and no one can hack that data. In a press statement issued yesterday, Al-Mutairi said the electricity theft gang infiltrated the ministry building illegally and tried to enter the system by mistake, indicating that their case is with the prosecution and is being investigated. He revealed that the Ministry of Electricity, Water, and Renewable Energy addressed government agencies in the country to pay their dues, adding, “From the beginning of the fiscal year from April until September 10 of this year, the ministry obtained about KD 230 million. During the current year, we hope to collect the full amount due.

According to Al-Mutairi, the Ministry of Electricity and Water maintains a customer service office at Kuwait International Airport's Terminal 4, currently, it has an office at Terminal 1. Within days, it will open an office at Terminal 5. He indicated that there is a great demand for expatriates with pending dues to pay these dues before traveling, adding that if there is any problem, it is dealt with in the offices before travel.

"The first phase of the smart meter project was successful," Al-Mutairi responded to a question about smart meters.


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