Asian Expat Accused Of Cancelling Violations For Money

23 October 2023 Crime News

Residence Affairs Investigation officers referred an Asian expat working for a government agency to the prosecution on charges of receiving a bribe for cancelling a violation. A member of the Residence Investigation Department received information that an Asian expatriate could cancel restaurant violations for money, according to a security source. Upon further investigation, it was found that the expat was employed by an employee who was involved in this illegal activity. The officer contacted the expatriate asking him to help him cancel a violation issued to a restaurant. The expatriate asked him for 2,000 dinars to be handed over the amount and then placed under surveillance. As soon as the amount was handed “with the knowledge of the prosecution” to the employee, she was caught and in possession of the amount. The expatriate turned out to be one of those with a criminal record.

The article describes an incident of corruption, a serious problem in many countries. Corruption can take many forms, including bribery, embezzlement, and fraud. It can occur in both the public and private sectors and can have serious consequences for individuals and society as a whole. Some of the consequences of corruption include reduced economic growth, increased poverty, and decreased public trust in government institutions

Strong laws and regulations, as well as effective enforcement mechanisms, are essential for preventing corruption. In addition, individuals and organizations can take steps to promote transparency and accountability in their own operations. This can include measures such as regular audits, whistleblower protection, and codes of conduct that prohibit unethical behavior. We can create a more just and equitable society by working together to combat corruption.


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