7 Creative Instagram Post Ideas You Can Apply To Your Ig Posts

09 September 2021 Business

Initially started as a photo-sharing app, Instagram has now become a platform for businesses to promote their brands. Signing up and setting a profile on Instagram is a piece of cake. However, the real journey starts after that as managing the business account can be daunting. 

The star attraction of your Instagram profile is your posts. To showcase your content and gain more engagements, your Instagram feed should be full of great posts. The question now arises, what to post on your Instagram to gain more engagements? This is the real struggle as you have to bring forward new ideas to cope up with the ever-changing algorithm of Instagram.  Also you can even buy instagram followers to gain maximum engagement on your profile. 

Also, to achieve growth on this highly competitive social media platform, you need to know the right techniques that make your posts stand out in the crowd of millions. 

Below, we have compiled a list of 7 Creative Instagram Post Ideas You Can Apply to Your IG Posts. These ideas will convert your Instagram experience into a journey of never-ending success. 

Take Trending Instagram Challenges

Nowadays every social media site is full of crazy challenges. So, how can Instagram stay behind! Every day you can see several challenges trending on this platform. 

Instagram challenges are quite simple, it happens when someone shares a photo or video on a theme with a unique hashtag and asks people to do the same. Some of the challenges have prizes while the others are just for fun. 

These challenges help you post relevant content to keep up with the latest Instagram trends. You can also customize the challenge according to your brand because it’s all about creativity. Just keep trying, you never know what might surprise people and your post goes viral. 

Tell a Story With Content Series 

A great photo and an interesting story, a combination that never gets old. Tell your story with a photo. In this way, you can develop great content that keeps you connected with your followers. 

Here is what you have to do, on a particular day of every week post a picture with a fascinating story, this will keep your followers tuned. It is also a great way to spice up your content.

Start a series of the story, and choose particular themes. Keep in mind the photo or video should relate to the story. These recurring posts will help you gain more Instagram comments and likes. You just have to be regular with these posts.  

Create Livestream Videos

To build a strong relationship with your followers you need to connect with them on a different level. With this option, your viewers can interact with you directly. People love to know bits about your daily life, go live once in a while and build a stronger network.

You can also post the Livestream to your stories after it ends. You can get plenty of content for live broadcasting like showing your daily routine, telling your success story, unboxing new products, conducting interviews by sharing the live stream with others, and so on. 

If you want a great number of people to join your live stream you should always announce it in advance. It is a fantastic way to create content for your Instagram feed. 

Go Behind the Curtains

Behind-the-scenes content makes your followers feel like they know you in real life. It is a great idea to build trust between you and your audience. Moreover, it is less work as not much editing is required. Behind-the-scenes can become great content for your stories. 

You can show your workplace, your employees, anything that tells a story of your brand. Funny videos make great behind-the-scenes content. 

You can take all the moments from a year and compile them in a single video. Post it every year with a caption like “behind-the-scenes moments of 2021”. 

Spice up Your Feed With Celebration Posts

A celebration post is yet another creative way to display your content. Lots and lots of festivals are celebrated every year around the globe, so why not show some creativity and customize your post according to festivals. 

From Holi to Thanksgiving, create a post that reflects both the festival and your brand. This way you can connect with people from all over the world. 

Celebrate every day, and don’t forget to add various hashtags related to the festival, as they increase your chances to gain more views.  

Giveaway Post is What People Love the Most

There is no better way of getting a lot of engagement quickly other than giveaway posts. Hold giveaway contests and create an aura of excitement among your followers. 

It is one of the best ways to market your products and attract a target audience to your Instagram page. These posts work like a magnet and encourage your followers to spread the word about your brand. 

All you have to do is offer a relevant prize for the contest and ask your audience to like, comment, and share your posts. 

Satisfy Follower’s Curiosity With Q&A Round

Give your followers a sense of importance with an exciting Q&A round. Instagram rolled out a question sticker, use it to answer the questions of your followers. 

In this way, you will be able to build a robust Instagram presence. Add a photo or video in the background with this sticker of Instagram to make it look more attractive. 

You can also conduct Q&A via feed post. Ask your viewers to submit their questions, and then upload a video answering them. 

The above-mentioned 7 creative ideas will make your Instagram feed one in a million. You can increase your number of followers, likes, and comments in no time, simply by using the trick to buy instagram followers from some of the best sites . However, you can also buy Instagram likes to get more engagements on your posts. 

There is always something new you can learn, and we hope that this article makes a real difference in your Instagram profile.




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