Woven Stool Workshop

Join us for a unique Woven Stool Workshop led by the talented Instructor Mai Aboushady, a Textile & Fiber Artist with years of experience.
Workshop Details:
- Duration: 2 days workshop on 28th and 29th May
- Time: 5 to 8 pm
- Fees: 65 KD
- Includes all tools and materials needed to create a beautiful wooden stool (40 cm × 40 cm), 2 colors of ropes, 2 spring clamps, and 6 patterns in PDF format
- Free beverages & snacks provided
Day 1 Agenda:
Learn the basics of weaving techniques
Understanding how to read the patterns and engaging in hands-on activities
Applying the warp strings
Day 2 Agenda:
Applying the weft strings to create intricate patterns
Finishing touches to complete your masterpiece
About the Instructor:
Mai Aboushady is a certified Textile & Fiber Artist and instructor from BOC, with over 7 years of experience training more than 200 individuals in the textile arts field.
Don't miss this exciting opportunity to explore the world of weaving and create your own unique woven stool under the guidance of an expert! Reserve your spot now.

Price :
28-05-2024 05:00 PM To 29-05-2024 08:00 PM

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