The Visual Circle

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? We heard you like to paint ?
Sketch! Draw! Create!

❤️‍?We heard you’ve got sketchbooks upon sketchbooks and you need to show them to someone before you scream.

?️ We heard you’ve been wanting to try oil but can’t commit.

? We heard your camera’s out of charge and needs a spark to restart.

? We heard you don’t know what to do with all these layers on procreate.

Come hang out with the visual art community! Connect, collaborate, and create with like-minded folks and get your creative juices flowing.

Open to all visual artists. Bring your medium of choice. In the Art Room @arganbedaya! See you there!

These circles will be facilitated by @isajjai

Price :
11-06-2024 06:30 PM To 11-06-2024 10:00 PM

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