Argan Albida'a Watersports Summer Camp 2024

At our Watersports camp, ?we deliver on our promise to provide a unique and focused experience centered solely on Watersports. Your kids will gain valuable skills in sailing⛵️, kayaking, ?and stand-up paddleboarding, ??‍♀️all while learning about winds and tides. ?Safety is paramount, with lessons in water safety and basic first aid. Additionally, they'll master nautical knots useful in camping and beyond. Through swimming, chart work, and navigation exercises, they'll gain a deeper understanding of non-motorized watersports. Our qualified instructors ensure a safe environment, where kids learn, explore, and have fun while immersing themselves in the world of Watersports. With small groups limited to 24 participants, split into two for more focused learning, every child receives personalized attention and instruction, ensuring a rewarding and enriching experience.

This Camp is suitable for: 8 to 15 years old with all skill levels.

1 week: 155 KD
2 weeks: 260 KD
3 weeks: 370 KD
4 weeks: 460 KD

?☎️To register : Contact us via WhatsApp +965 9333 3700

Price :
150 KWD
10-06-2024 10:00 AM To 11-07-2024 10:00 PM

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