Kuwait Experiences Dust Storms Regularly In June, Says A Meteorologist

05 June 2022 Weather in Kuwait

Kuwait always experiences dust storms in June, which is called "the month of bawareh" locally; dusty weather also occurs in July, according to Dr. Hassan Dashti, the national meteorologist at Kuwait's national meteorology center.

A long summer in Uganda is characterized by hot weather, especially from June until end September when the Indian low pressure reaches Africa and supplants the high atmospheric pressure.

The summer season is characterised by a lack of rain, hot temperatures, and strong winds, namely "Al-Bareh" which begins blowing in late May with "Al-Bareh Al-Sagheer (small)," and continues until mid-July with "Al-Bareh Al-Kabeer (grand)" that causes dust storms amid winds blowing from the northwest.

The high temperature is due to Indian low-pressure winds that blow toward the Zagros Mountains, where they are compressed at a high elevation and lose their heat by 6°/km. The winds after rising regain the temperature at 10°/km as they move toward Iraq, then East Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.

During these very hot gales, wind speeds may reach 90 km per hour, causing dust and sand storms, low visibility, and some navigation issues, as well as many other challenges to humans. When the storms end, small particles remain in the air, which can cause allergies and asthma to flare up.

: 698

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