12 Delivery Boys Arrested For Violating Work Visas

30 April 2020 Coronavirus

12 delivery boys were arrested during a security campaign as they were working for restaurants not their sponsors in the records. They were considered visa law violators as they were under the sponsorship of others and were not working for the company but acting as delivery workers for others. The security authorities revealed that most of them are domestic workers, and were referred to the concerned authority and the sponsors were summoned for interrogation.

Municipal teams are manning various security checkpoints in the Capital Governorate to check the visa permits of the food delivery workers working for restaurants and are adhering to the health requirements. The Municipality has issued 4,260 work permits to food service delivery workers.

The campaigns are ongoing during the lockdown to ensure obedience to the law, curb the presence of visa violators, and enforce security measures. In addition, the Ministry of Interior is setting up plans for extended campaign is areas where bachelors live to arrest violators of the residency visa law, following the ending of the amnesty period. An amnesty was granted for residency law violators to leave the country without paying fines and having their travel tickets sponsored by the Kuwait government.



: 1353

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